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Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone
Dr. Lucian BesutiuDownload PDF_RODownload PDF_EN | MAIN
First name: Lucian
Name: Besutiu
Year of birth: 1948
Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 020032 Bucharest,
19-21 Jean-Louis Calderon St
Position: senior research scientist, head of the Solid Earth Dynamics Dept.
Phone: 004021-317 21 27
Fax: 004021-317 21 20
E-mail: besutiu@geodin.ro
Since 2002 senior research scientist with the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy; head of the Solid Earth Dynamics Department
2000-2002 senior research scientist with the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy;
2000-2001 senior research scientist with the Geological Institute of Romania; head of the Geophysics of Lithosphere Department
1995-2000 senior research scientist with the Geological Institute of Romania (Romanian Geological Survey)
1987-1995 senior research scientist with the Institute for Geology and Geophysics in Bucharest
1985-1986 head of the magnetics team within GEOMIN expedition in Republic of Ghana
1978-1985 research scientist with the Institute for Geology and Geophysics in Bucharest
1975-1978 geophysical engineer with the Institute for Geology and Geophysics in Bucharest
1972-1974 resident geophysical engineer with the Institute for Applied Geophysics, Bucharest