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PhD Program
Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone
Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy is seeking two creative and motivated PhD students for a cutting-edge research project funded through the European Regional Development Fund and State Budget.
The PhD students are working with Dr. Vlad Constantin Manea and Dr. Lucian Besutiu at the Solid Earth Dynamics Department in the Institute of Geodynamics as part of "Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone" project. The PhD students will be using the state-of-the-art computational infrastructure that will be implemented through this project.
The goal of the project is to explore the origin of Vrancea seismogenic zone using a series of 3D high-resolution geodynamic models. The modeling strategy will involve developing a work-flow based on GPlates and a suite of geodynamics simulations based on CitcomS and I2ELVIS to test alternative geodynamic scenarios. A set of plate reconstruction models will be employed as starting conditions for dynamic convection models. The successful applicants will run and visualize 3D fluid-dynamic models on the newly created cyber-infrastructure.
Requirements for the two PhD positions are:
(1) background in geophysics/geology/physics/IT/mathematics or similar field (a Master degree is desirable),
(2) good English knowledge
(3) the ability to work within a team including graduate students and senior academic staff
(4) the ability to assimilate cross-disciplinary literature
Desirable attributes include a strong computational background, experience in computational programming (Fortran, C, Phyton) and knowledge of the Linux/Unix operational systems.