Vizitator nr. 1249166 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 3 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea
Numarul Articolelor gasite in baza de date: 113Id | Publicatie | 479 | Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Rosca, V., and Petrisor, I., 2000. Cercetari geofizice în Dobrogea de Nord si Depresiunea Predobrogeana : , Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, vol. 71, pp. 158-164 . | 491 | Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Svoronos, D., and Vihristencu, M., 1993. Geological setting within Dunavatu-Dranov area according to the geophysical and biogeophysical data , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 37, pp. 95-103. | 526 | Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Zorilescu, VL. , 2001. Considerations on the gravity system of Romania, International Gravity Bureau, Bull. Inf. No. 89, 35-47, Toulouse. | 473 | Besutiu, L., Orlyuk, M., Demetrescu, C., Pashkevich, I., Atanasiu, L., Maksimchuk, V., and Zlagnean, L. , 2006. Consistent geomagnetic images cross-over the state borders between Romania and Ukraine, Geophysical Journal, 3, t. 28, 78-87, Kiev . | 478 | Besutiu, L., Pashkevich, I. , Orlyuk, M., Besutiu, G., Ivan, M., and Neaga,V. , 2000. MAGLODAN Project. The first step in merging the national geomagnetic maps of Romania , Ukraine and Republic of Moldova , Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol. 3, pp. 45-52 . | 451 | Besutiu, L., Radulian, M., Zlagnean, L., and Atanasiu, L., 2009. Some peculiarities of the seismicity within the bending zone of the East Carpathians, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In "Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone", Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing House pp.36-111. ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2.. | 486 | Besutiu, L., Rosca, V., and Gulie, N. , 1994. On the reference gravity networks of Romania, International Gravity Bureau, Bull. Inf. No. 73, pp. 35-41, Toulouse. |
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