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Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone


Dr. Vlad Manea
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Institutul de Geodinamica, Sabba S. Stefanescu al Academiei Romane
19-21 Jean-Louis Calderon St.,
Romania, R-020032

tel. (4021)317.21.26

Research Interest
My recent research interests comprise a broad area in geophysics: computational geodynamics, oceanic plate mechanics, magnetism and gravity, volcanism, metamorphic processes in subduction zone and crust deformation monitoring.
In the area of computational geodynamics I have been working in the development of 2-D and 3-D numerical models of tectonic processes related with various subduction zones along the "Ring of Fire" (Mexico, Guatemala, Kamchatka and recently Chile). The main goal of my current work is to provide a basis for the sound interpretation of seismological observations made on local, regional, and global scales. From these models I hope to understand better how plate tectonics works, how plate tectonics and mantle flow are related, how and why mantle convection evolves over long time periods.
The state of stress in subduction slabs and its relationship with the intraslab earthquakes is another scientific interest that I have. I developed 2D numerical schemes to compute a type of stresses inside the subducting slabs which has been neglected in the last decades. It is about the thermally induced stresses in oceanic plates due to non-uniform heating during subduction. With these studies I hope to comprehend why the intraslab earthquakes occur between certain depths and what is the magnitude of the deviatoric stress field which might produce such earthquakes.
Additionally, I am involved in studies related with flexural deformation of lithosphere at fracture zones, gravity anomalies and lithospheric flexure.
Furthermore, my research interests are related with the application of gravity and magnetic anomalies to understand tectonic problems related with subduction zones. Actually I used these anomalies to constrain the subduction zones geometry, to study the sediment accumulation at the deep oceanic trenches and to study the mantle wedge metamorphism (i.e serpentinization).
Another important part of my research is related with the volcanism caused by subduction. I have been studying the propagation of magma through a convective mantle wedge using numerical models. Such models give new constraints regarding the magma viscosity and temperature inside the mantle beneath volcanic arcs. Also, I study the ascent time of molten magma blobs through the mantle and the relation with the U-Th disequilibria. Recently I begin to study the lahars behavior in active volcanoes.
The metamorphic processes in subducting slabs represent other scientific interest that I have. I investigate the slab dehydration and its relationship with the recently discovered "slow earthquakes". Such studies can provide new insights regarding the actual mechanism that produces the slow earthquakes.
Finally, one of my central scientific interests is represented by field measurements. Using GPS and tiltmeter measurements I have been studying in the last four years deformation processes related with subduction zones and plate boundaries. The main outcome from such investigations is the better understanding of the seismic cycle and plate boundary forces.

  Institute od Geodynamics "Sabba Ștefănescu" | The National Authority for Scientific Research | Privacy Statement | Disclaimer |Copyright©2010 Marina Manea |


Project funded by ANCS and EU through Sectorial Operational Programme "Increase of Economic Competitiveness" POS-CCE,

Priority Axis 2 - "Research, Technological Development and Innovation Competitiveness"

Operation 2.1.2 - "Complex research projects fostering the participation of high-level international experts"

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