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Vizitator nr. 1343269

din 14/10/2010

Vizitatori @nline: 5

Membrii @nline: 0

Ultima actualizare:

 Vlad Manea  Lucian Besutiu  Marina Manea  Luminita Zlagnean  Ligia Atanasiu  Venera Dobrica  Mihai Pomeran  Magdalena Banescu  Raluca Brezeanu  Alexandru Zanogeanu 



Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea


Dr. Luminita Zlagnean
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SGR National Conference, Bucharest, Romania 5-6 November 2010
Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L. - Considerations on the geophysical fingerprint of the
Peceneaga-Camena Fault

2010 AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu,Brazil, 8-12 August
Besutiu L.,Zlagnean L. Gravity and geodesy evidence on deep geodynamic processes within Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity zone

EGU General Assembly, Vienna,Austria 2-8 May 2010
Besutiu L., Zlagnean L. Monitoring dynamics of an active plate boundary:Peceneaga-Camena Fault

International Experts Meeting on Carpathian Geodynamic Network, Bucharest,Romania, 19-21 October 2009
Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L. Watching potential links between dynamics of the adjacent tectonic compartments and Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity: the Baspunar experiment

2009 IAGA Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23 – 30 August 2009
Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L. Large scale crustal features on the Romanian territory as inferred from the geomagnetic data
Besutiu L., Zlăgnean L., Atanasiu L., Sgarciu V., Vlad M., Stelea I., Cucu G., Soare A., Ivan M., Niculescu B.: A space-time consistent national airborne geomagnetic map of Romania

EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13 - 18 April 2009
Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L. Watching structural and geodynamic features of a plate boundary: Peceneaga-Camena Fault
Besutiu, L., Rus, T., Zlagnean, L., Monitoring lithosphere dynamics on the Romanian territory: preliminary results

Simpozion AMTRANS 2008, “Contributii Stiintifice, in Domeniul TRANSPORTURILOR, inregistrate la Programul CEEX “, Bucuresti, Romania, 6-7 noiembrie 2008
Besutiu L., Atanasiu L., Zlagnean L., Sgarciu V., Vlad M., Ivan M., Niculescu B., Stelea I., Cucu G., Soare A. Cercetări asupra dinamicii spatio-temporale a campului magnetic terestru vizand construirea unor modele geomagnetice unitare pentru teritoriul Romaniei integrate în context european si global

The 3rd Anniversary Symposium GeObMag 2008 , 16 - 18th October 2008, Bucharest, Romania
Besutiu, L. , Zlăgnean, L. , Atanasiu, L. , Sgarciu, V. , Mădălin, V. , Stelea, I. , Cucu, G. , Soare, A. , Ivan, M. , Niculescu, B. DYGEF project: towards a consistent model of the geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory integrated within continental and global framework

SGR 2008 - Conferinta anuală a Societătii Geologice a Romaniei, Bucuresti, Romania, 4-5 octombrie 2008
Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Tumanian, M., Mitrofan, H., Radulian, M., Popa, M., Rogozea, M., Rus, T., Neuner, H., Săbău, G., Negulescu, E., Baltres, A.: INDEGEN project - a multidisciplinary approach for studying the intermediate-depth seismicity within Vrancea zone

33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 06-14 August 2008
Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Mitrofan, H., Radulian, M., Popa, M. , Rogozea, M. , Rus, T., Neuner, H. , Sabau, I. , Negulescu, E. , Baltres, A. : New insights on the structure and dynamics of the intermediate-depth seismic zone located in the bending area of East Carpathians: INDEGEN project
Zlăgnean, L., Besutiu, L., Lithosphere dynamics within Vrancea seismic nest as inferred from non-tidal gravity change

AQTR 2008, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 22-25 May 2008
Vlad, M., Zlagnean, L., Sgarciu, V., Besutiu, L. Information system for storing and processing of aeromagnetic data from Romanian territory

2008 EGU General Assembly, Vienna – Austria, 13-18 April 2008
Besutiu, L., Atanasiu L., Zlagnean L., Anghelache M., Lungu A., Sgarciu V., Ivan M., Niculescu B., Stelea I., Cucu G., Soare A.: Consistent geomagnetic models for the Romanian territory valid at the epoch 2007.5
Zlagnean, L.; Lungu, A.; Besutiu, L.: Rock physics properties of the upper crust within Vrancea active seismic region

2007 IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2 – 13 July 2007
BESUTIU, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., Zlăgnean, L. Large scale features of the south-easternmost TTZ as inferred from geophysical data
Zlăgnean, L., Besutiu, L. Comparative study concerning intermediate seismicity dynamics within some “seismic nests” of the world

2007 EGU General Assembly, Vienna – Austria, 15-21 April 2007
Besutiu L., Neaga V., Atanasiu L., Zlăgnean L., Ilies I.. Joining airborne geomagnetic maps of Romania and Republic of Moldova. Consistent geomagnetic models crossover the state borders

Ziua Usilor Deschise ale Academiei Romane, 4 aprilie 2006, Bucuresti
Besutiu L., Atanasiu L., Damian A., Horomnea M., Paduroiu F., Zlagnean L.: Cercetări complexe pentru descifrarea structurii si dinamicii marginii de SW a Platformei Est-Europene (poster)

EGU 2006 General Assembly, Vienna-Austria, 02-07 April 2006
BESUTIU, L. Zlăgnean, L. Plate boundaries and lithosphere dynamics in the non-tidal gravity change on the Romanian territory

Simpozionul „Mircea Savul” al Universitătii din Iasi, 29-30 octombrie 2005, Iasi
BESUTIU L., Zlăgnean L. Consideratii asupra seismicitătii din zona Vrancea în contextul geodinamic al forelandului Carpatilor

Ziua Usilor Deschise ale Academiei Romane, 4 aprilie 2005, Bucuresti
BESUTIU L., ATANASIU L., DAMIAN A., HOROMNEA M., NEGOITĂ V., POLONIC G., NICOLAE L., ZLĂGNEAN L., Cercetări geofizice complexe în zone geodinamic active, cu privire specială asupra zonei seismogene Vrancea. Studiul evolutiei unor parametri, potential legati cauzal de dinamica unor elemente tectonice situate cu precădere în zona geodinamic activă Vrancea, poster

IAGA 2005 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse-France, 18-29 July 2005
BESUTIU, L., ORLYUK, M., DEMETRESCU, C., PASHKEVICH, I., ATANASIU, L., MAKSIMCHUK, V., ZLAGNEAN, L. “Preliminary considerations on DEEP project. Consistent geomagnetic images cross-over the state borders between Romania and Ukraine”
BESUTIU, L., ATANASIU L., DAMIAN A., HOROMNEA M., ZLAGNEAN L. Dynamics and structures of the East European Platform as inferred from geophysical data” cu rezultatele obtinute în cadrul cadrul proiectului DEEP (colaborare cu Ukraina) , poster
BESUTIU L., GHITĂU D., ZLAGNEAN L., ZUGRAVESCU D. Model spatio-temporal privind dinamica litosferei din zona Vrancea dedus din datele gravimetrice si geodezice spatiale, poster

4th Meeting of the Association of the European Geological Societies (MAEGS-14), Turin-Italia, 19 - 23 September 2005
BESUTIU, L., ZLĂGNEAN, L., HOROMNEA, M. Vrancea intermediate depth seismicity within the framework of the SE Carpathians foreland

4th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society “RSG-BGS / EAGE & SEG / EGU & AGU Bucharest 2005” International Conference & Exhibition of Applied Geophysics and Earth Physics, 9-12 October 2005, Bucharest, Romania
BESUTIU, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., Horomnea. M., Zlăgnean, L. Considerations on the SE extent of the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone on the Romanian territory
BESUTIU, L., Zlăgnean, L., Horomnea, M. Non-tidal gravity changes across major lithosphere boundaries on the Romanian territory

CONRO-2004, Bucuresti, 5-10 Octombrie 2004
BESUTIU, L., GHITAU, D., ZLAGNEAN, L., ZUGRAVESCU, D. Model spatio-temporal asupra dinamicii litosferei din zona Vrancea dedus din datele gravimetrice si geodezice spatiale

PANGEO Austria 2004, Graz, 24-26 September 2004
BESUTIU, L., GHIOCA, G., ZLAGNEAN, L., ZUGRAVESCU, D. Considerations on the lithosphere compartments and their dynamics on the Romanian territory, as inferred from geophysical data

International Symposium "Etudes geophysiques complexes dans les zones geodinamiques actives. Regard special sur la region seismogene de Vrancea", Caldarusani, 2001
Zugravescu D., Horomnea M., Zlagnean L., Andries F. , L´organisation du Polygone de Geodynamique Tulnici pour des determinations geophysique, geodesique, geologiques: des resultats preliminaires

SEG/EAGE/RSG Bucharest 2000, "International Geophysical Conference & Exposition" , April 10-14, 2000, Bucharest, Romania.
Lorinczi I., Cadicheanu N., Zlagnean L. - Determination of probable altitudes H(t) for benchmarks located in the Vrancea geodynamically active area

"New Trends in Low- Frequency Geodynamics" Symposium, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 1995.
Zugravescu D., Dragomir D., Fatulescu I., Fratila L (Zlagnean), Grumezescu H. , Horomnea M , Stefanescu L., Dynamics of Tectonic Compartments in the Seismogenic Vrancea Area

Al XVII-lea Simpozion de Fizica Pamantului si Geofizica Aplicata: Academia Romana si Societatea Romana de Geofizica, Bucuresti, noiembrie 1994
Zugravescu D., Dragomir D., Fatulescu I., Fratila L (Zlagnean), Grumezescu H. , Horomnea M , Stefanescu L. , Studiul miscarilor crustale recente in Carpatii de Curbura (Study of recent crustal movements in Carpathian Bending Area)

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