Dr. Ligia AtanasiuDownload PDF_RODownload PDF_EN | ARTICOLE
Numarul de articole din baza de date: 14♦ Besutiu, L., Radulian, M., Zlagnean, L., and Atanasiu, L., 2009. Some peculiarities of the seismicity within the bending zone of the East Carpathians, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In "Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone", Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing House pp.36-111. ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2.♦ Besutiu, L., Orlyuk, M., Demetrescu, C., Pashkevich, I., Atanasiu, L., Maksimchuk, V., and Zlagnean, L. , 2006. Consistent geomagnetic images cross-over the state borders between Romania and Ukraine, Geophysical Journal, 3, t. 28, 78-87, Kiev ♦ Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., Horomnea, M., and Zlagnean, L., 2005. Considerations on the SE extent of the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone on the Romanian territory, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol. 8, pp. 129-132, Suppl.1, ♦ Atanasiu, L., Zugrăvescu D., Mandea M., and Roharik M., 2005. Imagini ale componentelor câmpului geomagnetic din partea de sud-est a Europei, Studii si cercetari de geofizica, vol. 43, pp. 49-61♦ Atanasiu, L., Zugrăvescu, D., Mandea, M., Roharik, M. , 2005. Trans-European Suture Zone over the Romanian territory in the light of new satellite data, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 43, pp. 65-78♦ Andrei, J., Atanasiu, L., and Cristea, P. , 2005. Considerations on the geologic signification of the low gravity anomaly Teius – Turda – Puini – Dej. , Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Suppl., vol. 8, 617-620, ISSN 1302 – 1672♦ Atanasiu, L., 2004. Asupra distribuţiei câmpului geomagnetic principal şi variaţiei sale seculare pe teritoriul României
, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, vol. 42♦ Rosca, V., and, Atanasiu, L., 1993. Un modèle gravimétrique de la Dobrogea, Roumanian Journal of Geophysics, vol, 16, pp. 53-58♦ Sandulescu, M., Visarion, M., Stanica, D., Stanica, M., and Atanasiu, L., 1993. Deep structure of the Inner Carpathians in the Maramures - Tisa zone (East Carpathians). , Roumanian Journal of Geophysics, vol. 16, pp. 67-76♦ Visarion, M., Sandulescu, M., Rosca, V., Stanica, D, and Atanasiu, L. , 1990. Dobrogea dans le cadre de l´avant pays carpathique, Revue Roumaine de Geologie et Geographie, Geophysique, vol. 33♦ Rosca, V., and Atanasiu, L., 1990. Un model gravimetric al Dobrogei, Studii tehnice si economice, Seria D, vol. 16♦ Visarion, M., Sandulescu, M., Stanica, D., and Atanasiu, L., 1988. An improved geotectonic model of the East Carpathians, Revue Roumaine de Geologie et Geographie, Geophysique, vol. 33♦ Atanasiu, L., Botezatu, R., and Vuculescu, J. , 1981. Asupra posibilitatii de prospectare gravimetrica a unor forme structurale paleogeomorfice, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, vol, 19. ♦ Atanasiu, L., Botezatu, R., and Vucurescu, J., 1981. Dezvelirea gravimetrica în prospectarea geofizica a unor forme structurale paleogeomorfice., Anuarul Universitatii Bucuresti, Geologie, Anul XXX |