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Vizitator nr. 1268477

din 14/10/2010

Vizitatori @nline: 3

Membrii @nline: 0

Ultima actualizare:

 Vlad Manea  Lucian Besutiu  Marina Manea  Luminita Zlagnean  Ligia Atanasiu  Venera Dobrica  Mihai Pomeran  Magdalena Banescu  Raluca Brezeanu  Alexandru Zanogeanu 



Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea


Dr. Ligia Atanasiu
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Numarul de Abstracte gasit in baza de date: 20

♦ Rosca, V., and Atanasiu, L. 1994. On the gravity of the south Carpathians foredeep. Alcapa II, Geological Evolution of the Alps-Carpathians-Pannonian System, Abstracts volume, Bucuresti, 1994

♦ Visarion, M., and Atanasiu, L. 1994. Consideratii asupra anomaliei magnetice regionale de maxim din nordul Carpatilor Orientali. Al XVII-lea simpozion de Fizica pamântului si Geofizica aplicata, Rezumatele lucrarilor, Bucuresti, 1994

♦ Atanasiu, L. 1999. Flexure of the lithosphere beneath East Carpathian Belt, International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England

♦ Rosca, V., Atanasiu, L. 1999. Deep geology boundaries in the east Carpathian bend zone as suggested by gravitz and magnetic data, Dobrogea – the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans Europrean Suture Zone. JOINT MEETING OF EUROPROBE (TESZ, PANCARDI, GEORIFT) (25-6 October 1999 Tulcea, Romania)

♦ Ioane, D., Atanasiu, L. 1999. Trans-crustal “tomography” of the Romanian territorry based on gravity and magnetic data Dobrogea – the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans Europrean Suture Zone. JOINT MEETING OF EUROPROBE (TESZ, PANCARDI, GEORIFT) (25-6 October 1999 Tulcea, Romania)

♦ Roşca, v., Atanasiu, L., Motaş, C., Cristea, P., and Stanchievici, B. 2000. On the owest gravity low in Romania, International Geophysical Conference & Technical, 10-14 aprilie 2000, la Bucureşti

♦ Atanasiu, L. 2000. Magnetic - gravity study of regional magnetic anomaly developed north of Bistrita river, International Geophysical Conference & Technical, 10-14 aprilie 2000, Bucureşti

♦ Besutiu, L., and Atanasiu, L. 2002. Geophysical consideration on the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone extent on the romanian territory, “Realizări şi perspective în geologia şi paleontologia românească” (sesiune dedicată profesorului Iustinian Petrescu la împlinirea a 60 de ani), Cluj-Napoca, România, 31mai-1iunie2002.

♦ Atanasiu, L., Zugrăvescu, D., and Mandea, M. 2003. Analysis of the regional magnetic field and its secular variation over the Romanian territory, IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte

♦ Atanasiu, L. 2003. Geodynamic analysis of the Romanian territory by a set of geotematic maps, IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte

♦ Mandea, m., Zugravescu, D., Atanasiu, L., and Berbeleac, I. 2004. Images of the Romanian territory by a Set of Geotematic Maps and Satellite Data, The First International Mineralogy Days of Monaco - 14 – 19 septembrie 2004, Monaco.

♦ Atanasiu, l., Visarion, m., Ioane, D. 1999. The Contact Zone between Paleozoic and Precambrian Platforms in Romania in the light of new gravity and magnetic data. International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England

♦ Atanasiu, L., Beşuţiu, L., Cucu, G., and Soare, A. 2007. Geomagnetic reference field models on the Romanian territory and their space-time dynamics as inferred from ground and satellite data., XXIV International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG 2007), 01-13 July, Perugia, Italy.

♦ Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., and Zlagnean, L. 2007. Large scale features of the south- easternmost TTZ as inferredfrom geophysical data. XXIV International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG 2007), 01-13 July, Perugia, Italy.

♦ Atanasiu, L., Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria

♦ Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria

♦ Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity models of the Vrancea active seismic zone, 33rd International Geological Congress (IGG 2008), 06-14 august., Oslo, Norwey

♦ Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Tumanian, M., Mitrofan, H., Radulian, M., Popa, M., Rogozea, M., Rus, T., Neuner, H., Săbău, G., Negulescu, E., and Baltres, A. 2008. Proiectul INDEGEN – o abordare multidisciplinara pentru studiul seismicitatii de adancime intermediara din zona Vrancea, Conferinta anuala a SGR, 4-5 octombrie 2008, Bucuresti.

♦ Beşuţiu, L., Zlăgnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Sgârciu, V., Mădălin, V., Stelea, I., Cucu, G., Soare, A., Ivan, M., Niculescu, B. 2008. „DYGEF project: towards a consistent model of the geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory integrated within continental and global framework“ GeObMag2008, Surlari 16-18 october, Bucuresti

♦ Besutiu, L.,Zlagnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Sgârciu, V., Mădălin, V., Stelea, I., Cucu, G., Soare, A., Ivan, M., and Niculescu, B. 2009. A space-time consistent national airborne geomagnetic map of Romania, a XI-a Adunare Stiintifica IAGA (International Association of Geomagneteism and Aeronomy), care a avut loc la Sopron, Ungaria. in perioada 23-30 august 2009

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