Dr. Ligia AtanasiuDownload PDF_RODownload PDF_EN | ABSTRACTE
Numarul de Abstracte gasit in baza de date: 20♦ Rosca, V., and Atanasiu, L. 1994. On the gravity of the south Carpathians foredeep. Alcapa II, Geological Evolution of the Alps-Carpathians-Pannonian System, Abstracts volume, Bucuresti, 1994♦ Visarion, M., and Atanasiu, L. 1994. Consideratii asupra anomaliei magnetice regionale de maxim din nordul Carpatilor Orientali. Al XVII-lea simpozion de Fizica pamântului si Geofizica aplicata, Rezumatele lucrarilor, Bucuresti, 1994♦ Atanasiu, L. 1999. Flexure of the lithosphere beneath East Carpathian Belt, International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England♦ Rosca, V., Atanasiu, L. 1999. Deep geology boundaries in the east Carpathian bend zone as suggested by gravitz and magnetic data, Dobrogea – the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans Europrean Suture Zone. JOINT MEETING OF EUROPROBE (TESZ, PANCARDI, GEORIFT) (25-6 October 1999 Tulcea, Romania)♦ Ioane, D., Atanasiu, L. 1999. Trans-crustal “tomography” of the Romanian territorry based on gravity and magnetic data Dobrogea – the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans Europrean Suture Zone. JOINT MEETING OF EUROPROBE (TESZ, PANCARDI, GEORIFT) (25-6 October 1999 Tulcea, Romania)♦ Roşca, v., Atanasiu, L., Motaş, C., Cristea, P., and Stanchievici, B. 2000. On the owest gravity low in Romania, International Geophysical Conference & Technical, 10-14 aprilie 2000, la Bucureşti ♦ Atanasiu, L. 2000. Magnetic - gravity study of regional magnetic anomaly developed north of Bistrita river, International Geophysical Conference & Technical, 10-14 aprilie 2000, Bucureşti ♦ Besutiu, L., and Atanasiu, L. 2002. Geophysical consideration on the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone extent on the romanian territory, “Realizări şi perspective în geologia şi paleontologia românească” (sesiune dedicată profesorului Iustinian Petrescu la împlinirea a 60 de ani), Cluj-Napoca, România, 31mai-1iunie2002.♦ Atanasiu, L., Zugrăvescu, D., and Mandea, M. 2003. Analysis of the regional magnetic field and its secular variation over the Romanian territory, IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte♦ Atanasiu, L. 2003. Geodynamic analysis of the Romanian territory by a set of geotematic maps,
IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte
♦ Mandea, m., Zugravescu, D., Atanasiu, L., and Berbeleac, I. 2004. Images of the Romanian territory
by a Set of Geotematic Maps and Satellite Data, The First International Mineralogy Days of
Monaco - 14 – 19 septembrie 2004, Monaco.
♦ Atanasiu, l., Visarion, m., Ioane, D. 1999. The Contact Zone between Paleozoic and Precambrian Platforms in Romania in the light of new gravity and magnetic data. International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England♦ Atanasiu, L., Beşuţiu, L., Cucu, G., and Soare, A. 2007. Geomagnetic reference field models on the Romanian territory and their space-time dynamics as inferred from ground and satellite data., XXIV International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG 2007), 01-13 July, Perugia, Italy.♦ Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., and Zlagnean, L. 2007. Large scale features of the south-
easternmost TTZ as inferredfrom geophysical data. XXIV International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG 2007), 01-13 July, Perugia, Italy.
♦ Atanasiu, L., Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria♦ Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria♦ Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity models of the Vrancea active seismic zone, 33rd International Geological Congress (IGG 2008), 06-14 august., Oslo, Norwey♦ Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Tumanian, M., Mitrofan, H., Radulian, M., Popa, M., Rogozea, M., Rus, T., Neuner, H., Săbău, G., Negulescu, E., and Baltres, A. 2008. Proiectul INDEGEN – o abordare multidisciplinara pentru studiul seismicitatii de adancime intermediara din zona Vrancea, Conferinta anuala a SGR, 4-5 octombrie 2008, Bucuresti.♦ Beşuţiu, L., Zlăgnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Sgârciu, V., Mădălin, V., Stelea, I., Cucu, G., Soare, A., Ivan, M., Niculescu, B. 2008. „DYGEF project: towards a consistent model of the geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory integrated within continental and global framework“ GeObMag2008, Surlari 16-18 october, Bucuresti♦ Besutiu, L.,Zlagnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Sgârciu, V., Mădălin, V., Stelea, I., Cucu, G., Soare, A., Ivan, M., and Niculescu, B. 2009. A space-time consistent national airborne geomagnetic map of Romania, a XI-a Adunare Stiintifica IAGA (International Association of Geomagneteism and Aeronomy), care a avut loc la Sopron, Ungaria. in perioada 23-30 august 2009 |