Vizitator nr. 1284877 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 4 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea
Dr. Ligia Atanasiu Download PDF_RO Download PDF_EN
> 2010-2013 - CYBERDYN: Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone. EC funded project through the Structural Funds Programme, grant no. 182/2010; research activities
>2009-2011 - INRAF: Integrated research of some active faults located in the NW inland of the Black Sea on the Romanian and Ukrainian territories. A joint-venture of the IGAR in Bucharest and IG-NASU in Kiev, jointly funded by the Romanian Academy and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - co-worker
>2006-2008 DYGEF CEEX Programme-2/2006 - co-worker
>2006-2008 - INDEGEN: Integrated Research on the intracontinental intermediate-depth earthquakes genesis within Vrancea zone , CEEX Programme-2/2006 - co-worker
Carpathians based on geophysical data interpretation, with emphasize on the Vrancea active seismic zone: geodynamic aspects)- Under the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Co-operation between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Ukraine - co-worker
>2006-2007 - TRIDEC Project (3D modeling of the hidden structure of the crust beneath Alpine tectonics of the East
>2003-2005 - MODEST Project: "Space-time modelling of the crust deformations within active geodynamic zones through the integration of terrestrial and space data": Program CERES, grant 3-39/2003-2005 - co-worker
>2004 - "The construction of a cross-border model on the structure and dynamics of the SW margin of the East European Plate in Ukraine and Romania. Integration of the national geomagnetic standards" Romanian Academy grant GAR 92/2004 - co-worker
>2003- 2005 - DEEP Project (Dynamics and strutures of the SW margin of the East European Plate, as inferred from geophysical data) in cooperation with Institute of Geophysics NAS Ukraine and Carpathian Branch of the Institute of Geophysiscs NAS Ukraine in Lvov. - co-worker
>2003-2004 - BRANCUSI project: "New images of the magnetic earth field in the south-east Europe (satellite data by Orsted and Champ) Jointly funded by the Romanian and French Governments through the Brancus program of scientific collaboration - project responsible
>2003 - The construction of a cross-border model on the structure and dynamics of the SW margin of the East European Plate in Ukraine and Romania. The achievement of the joint database" Romanian Academy grant GAR 96/2003 - co-worker
>2001-2003 -"Remote-sensing studies on the gravity, geomagnetic and geothermal anomalies for a better understanding of deep lithosphere processes within the Vrancea seismic zone" AEROSPATIAL Programme, grant 11024/2001-2003 - co-worker
>1996-1998 - European Project Geoid Project - co-worker
>1996-1997 - Europrobe – Pancardi Project - co-worker |