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Vizitator nr. 1342505

din 14/10/2010

Vizitatori @nline: 1

Membrii @nline: 0

Ultima actualizare:

 Vlad Manea  Lucian Besutiu  Marina Manea  Luminita Zlagnean  Ligia Atanasiu  Venera Dobrica  Mihai Pomeran  Magdalena Banescu  Raluca Brezeanu  Alexandru Zanogeanu 



Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea


Dr. Lucian Besutiu
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Numarul de articole din baza de date: 71

Mitrofan, H., Marin, C., Zugravescu, D., Chitea, F., Anghelache, M.A., Besutiu, L., and Tudorache, A., 2010. Persistent pre-seismic signature detected by means of Na-K-Mg geothermometry records in a saline spring of Vrancea area (Romania), Natural Hazards, Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 10, pp. 217–225

Besutiu, L., 2009. Geodynamic and seismotectonic setting of the SE Carpathians and their foreland, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In "Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone", Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing House pp.233-248. ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2.

Besutiu, L. and Zlagnean, L., 2009. Geoynamic considerations on the space-time migration of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In "Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone", Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing House pp.140-152. ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2.

Besutiu, L., Radulian, M., Zlagnean, L., and Atanasiu, L., 2009. Some peculiarities of the seismicity within the bending zone of the East Carpathians, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In "Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone", Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing House pp.36-111. ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2.

Besutiu, L., 2009. Geodynamic and seismotectonic setting of the SE Carpathians and their foreland. Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, In Besutiu, L. (Ed.), Vergiliu Publishing Housem pp.233-248 .ISBN978-973-7600-59-2.

Tondi, R., Achauer, U., Landes, M., Davi, R., and Besutiu, L., 2009. Unveiling seismic and density structure beneath the Vrancea seismogenic zone (Romania), Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 114, B11307, doi:10.1029/2008JB005992, 2009

Besutiu, L., 2009. Considerations on the time-consistency within large-scale composite geomagnetic maps , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, tome 52-53, pag. 76-88, 2009

Mitrofan, H., Marin, C., Zugravescu, D., Tudorache, A., Besutiu, L., Anghelache, M., and Radu, M., 2009. Na-K-Mg geothermometer signatures of some Vrancea significant earthquakes, Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, pp. 219-232, ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Mitrofan, H., Sabau, G., Radulian, M., Rus, T, Zledniski, M. , 2009. Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquakes genesis within Vrancea zone, An Introductory to the INDEGEN project: in Besutiu, L. (Ed.), 9-28, ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2

Ionescu, C., Hoeck, V., Tomek, C., Koller, F., Balintoni, I., and Besutiu, L., 2008. New insights into the basement of the Transylvanian Depression ( Romania ) , Lithos, Lithos, doi:10.1016/j. lithos. 2008.06.004, ISSN: 0024-4937

Mitrofan, H., Marin, C., Zugravescu, D., Tudorache, A., Besutiu, L., and Radu, M., 2008. Transients of Giggenbachs Na-K-Mg-Ca Geoindicators preceding the 27 October 2004, Mw=6.0 earthquake in Vrancea area (Romania) , Terra Nova, Vol. 20, No. 2., 87-94

Besutiu, L., and Zlagnean, L., 2006. Vrancea Intermediate Depth seismicity within the Geodynamic Framework of the SE Carpathian Foreland, Geodynamic studies in Romania - Vrancea zone. Monograph compiled in the frame of the Project CERGOP-2/Envirent. (Sledzinski et al., Eds.), Reports on Geodesy, no.5 (80), 399-405, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., and Cadicheanu, N., 2006. Geodynamic considerations on the space-time migration of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity, Geodynamic studies in Romania - Vrancea zone. Monograph compiled in the frame of the Project CERGOP-2/Envirent. (Sledzinski et al., Eds.), Reports on Geodesy, no.6 (81), 17-42, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., 2006. Alternative geodynamic model for Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity: the unstable triple junction, Geodynamic studies in Romania - Vrancea zone. Monograph compiled in the frame of the Project CERGOP-2/Envirent. (Sledzinski et al., Eds.), Reports on Geodesy, no.6 (81), 17-42, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., Orlyuk, M., Demetrescu, C., Pashkevich, I., Atanasiu, L., Maksimchuk, V., and Zlagnean, L. , 2006. Consistent geomagnetic images cross-over the state borders between Romania and Ukraine, Geophysical Journal, 3, t. 28, 78-87, Kiev

Rus, T., Ghitau, D., Buse, I., Besutiu, L., Stoian, I., Stanescu, G., Nacu, V. , 2006. Report of the activities performed within the CERGOP-2 project in Romania, Reports on Geodesy, Nr. 3(78), pp.229-252, Warszawa 2006

Besutiu, L., Horomnea, M., Zlagnean, L. , 2006. Past to present geodynamic investigations in Romania by using geodetic approaches:: in Rus, T. (Ed.) Geodynamic Studies in Romania – Vrancea Zone. , Reports on Geodesy, no.6 (81), 157-189, ISSN 0867-3179, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., Cadicheanu, N., Zlagnean, L. , 2006. Geodynamic considerations on Space-time Migration of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity: in Sledzinski et. al (Eds) Geodynamics of the Balkan Peninsula – A Monograph, Reports on Geodesy, no.5 (80), 393-399, ISSN 0867-3179, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Horomnea, M. , 2006. Lithosphere Dynamics, Crust Deformation and Non –Tidal Gravity Changes across Major Lithosphere Boundaries on the Romanian Territory: in Sledzinski et. al (Eds) Geodynamics of the Balkan Peninsula – A Monograph, Reports on Geodesy, no.5 (80), 423-429, ISSN 0867-3179, Warszawa

Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D. , 2006. Considerations on the Black Sea Opening and and related geodynamic echoes on its NW inland as inferred from geophysical data interpretation: in Rus, T. (Ed.) Geodynamic Studies in Romania – Vrancea Zone. A Monograph, Reports on Geodesy, no.6 (81), 269-287, ISSN 0867-3179 Warszawa

Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D. , 2006. Considerations on the Black Sea Opening and its Seimotectonic Consequences: in Sledzinski et. al (Eds) Geodynamics of the Balkan Peninsula – A Monograph, Reports on Geodesy, no.5 (80), 429-435, ISSN 0867-3179

Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Damian, A., Horomnea, M., and Zlagnean, L., 2005. Considerations on the SE extent of the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone on the Romanian territory, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol. 8, pp. 129-132, Suppl.1,

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., and Horomnea, M., 2005. NON-tidal graviry changes across major lithosphere boundaries on the Romanian territory, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol. 8, pp. 237-240, Suppl. 1

Besutiu, L., Dordea, D., Gorie, J., and Sprinceana, V., 2005. Geophysical setting of the deep well 6042 Deleni in central Transylvania-Romania , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 49, pp. 73-85, ISSN 1220-5303

Beklemishev, A.B., Budanov, V.G., Besutiu, L., Sava, C.S., and Zugravescu, D., 2005. Recent dynamics of East Romania fault zones revealed by 3C micro seismic screenings , Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Suppl., no. 8, pp. 60-63, ISSN 1302 -1672

Budanov, V.G., Zugravescu, D., Sava, C.S., Besutiu, L., Leontiev, V.I., and Dubovscoy, V. B., 2005. Rational geophysical strategy of buried active faults delineation and monitoring: Russian Platform and Romanian Carpathians , Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, suppl., no. 8, 60-63, ISSN 1302 - 1672

Rus, T., Besutiu, L., Stanescu, G., Stoian, I., and Buse, I., 2005. CERGOP 2/ENVIRONMENT project. Three plate kinematics in Romania, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Suppl., vol. 8, pp. 163-166, ISSN 1302 - 1672.

Sprinceana, V., and Besutiu, L., 2005. The airborne geomagnetic map of Romnaia: a new look, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Suppl., vol. 8, pp. 163-166, ISSN 1302 - 1672.

Besutiu, L., Ghioca, G., Zlagnean, L., and Zugravescu, D., 2004. Consideration on the lithosphere compartements on the Romanian territory. Dynamics and some seismotectonic consequences, Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz, pp.79-81, Gracz

Besutiu, L., and Zugravescu, D., 2004. Geophysical considerations on the Black Sea opening and its seismo-tectonic consequences, Revue Roumaine de Geologie et Geographie, Geophysique, vol. 48, pp. 3-13

Besutiu, L., and Zugravescu, D., 2004. Considerations on the Black Sea opening and related geodynamic echoes in its NW inland as inferred from geophysical data interpretation, Ukrainian Geologist, vol. 3, pp. 51-60, Kiev

Besutiu, L., 2003. Plate tectonics on the Romanian territory. Dynamics and some seismotectonic consequences, in Hain, V.E., Gherasimov, M.E. (Eds),Problemi geodinamiki i neftegazonosti Tcheronomorskovo-Kaspiiskovo regiona, pp. 19-23, Simferopol

Besutiu, L., Neaga, V., Nicolescu, A., Lorinczi, J., Besutiu, G., and Ilies, I. , 2003. Preliminary results on the achievement of the new gravity reference network of Republic of Moldova, International Gravity Bureau, Bull. Inf. No. 94, 29-41, Toulouse

Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D. , 2003. Geophysical evidence on the Black Sea opening and geodynamic echoes within the NW inland: , in Hain, V.E., Gherasimov, M.E. (Eds),Problemi geodinamiki i neftegazonosti Tcheronomorskovo-Kaspiiskovo regiona, p.168-178, Simferopol

Neuner, J., Savulescu, C., Csaki, M., Besutiu, L., Moldoveanu, C. , 2003. IAG activities in Romania 1999-2003, IUGG 2003, Book of Abstracts, Sapporro

Besutiu, L., and Cadicheanu, N., 2002. Migration of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity: reality or mathematical fiction?, Studii si cercetari de geofizica, vol 40, pp.45-56

Besutiu, L., 2002. Expresia geomagnetică a unei vechi margini de placă în partea de sud a Carpaţilor Meridionali, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Geological Society of Romania "GEO2002", GEO2002

Besutiu, L., 2002. Vrancea active seismic area. Evidence toward a continental unstable triple junction, 3rd Balkan Geophysical Congress and Exhibition, Book of Abstracts, pp. 281-282

Besutiu, L., 2001. Vrancea active seismic area: a continental unstable triple junction?, Revue Roumaine de Geologie et Geographie, Geophysique, tome 45, pp. 59-72

Besutiu, L., 2001. Earthquakes and structures within northern Moesian Plate, Geologica Balcanica, vol. 31, 1-2, pp. 89-91

Besutiu, L., Neaga, V., Nicolescu, A., Besutiu, G., and Iilies, I., 2001. Consideratii preliminare asupra integrarii retelelor gravimetrice ale României si Republicii Moldova, Studii si cercetari de geofizica, vol. 39, pp. 51-65

Besutiu, L., and Visarion, M. , 2001. Fracturi transcrustale pe teritoriul Romaniei, Studii si cercetari de geofizica, vol. 39, pp. 15-33, ISSN 1220 - 5265

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Zorilescu, VL. , 2001. Considerations on the gravity system of Romania, International Gravity Bureau, Bull. Inf. No. 89, 35-47, Toulouse

Besutiu, L., 2001. Moesia - A Baltica derived terranne. , PANCARDI Meeting, Sopron-Hungary, extended abstract, CP-29

Besutiu, L., 2001. Geophysical evidence concerning the TESZ path on the Romanian territory., EUROPROBE Devonian-Triassic "Time-Slice" Symposium, Moscow, extended abstract, 2-3

Besutiu, L., Pashkevich, I. , Orlyuk, M., Besutiu, G., Ivan, M., and Neaga,V. , 2000. MAGLODAN Project. The first step in merging the national geomagnetic maps of Romania , Ukraine and Republic of Moldova , Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol. 3, pp. 45-52

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Rosca, V., and Petrisor, I., 2000. Cercetari geofizice în Dobrogea de Nord si Depresiunea Predobrogeana : , Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, vol. 71, pp. 158-164

Rosca, VL.,and Besutiu, L., 2000. Romanian Annual Progress Report for the UNIGRACE Project, Reports on Geodesy, No. 5, (51), pp.71-76, Warszawa

Dragoi, D., Andrei, J., Besutiu, L. , 2000. A 2D gravity model within Iara - Muntele Baisorii area, Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, vol.71, 165-169

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A. , 2000. Geophysical setting of Northern Dobrogea, Romania, Rom. Geophys, Supplem. 1/2000, 256-260

Besutiu, L., 1999. New geophysics-based models of the southern Lake Razim area , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 43, pp. 75-90

Besutiu, L., 1999. Consideratii privind modelarea câmpului geomagnetic normal. Algoritmi si semnificatii, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, vpl. 37, PP. 39-59

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A. , 1999. Old and new geophysical images within Northern Dobrogea Orogene, Romania, Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol, vol. 77, tome. 1, pp. 54

Besutiu, L., 1998. Geomagnetic and gravity-based models of the geological structure of the transient zone between the onshore Northern Dobrogea and the Black Sea offshore, Geo-Eco-Marina, Supplem. to Geo-Eco-Marina, vol. 3, pp. 71-74

Besutiu, L., Dimitriu, R.G., Nicolescu, A., Svoronos, D., and Vihristencu, M., 1996. Shallow waters geophysical and biogeophysical investigations, Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, No. 69, partea I

Besutiu, L., Rosca, V., and Gulie, N. , 1994. On the reference gravity networks of Romania, International Gravity Bureau, Bull. Inf. No. 73, pp. 35-41, Toulouse

Besutiu, L., Rosca, VL., Gulie, N. , 1994. Consideratii asupra retelelor gravimetrice de referinta ale României, Revista de Geodezie, Cartografie, Cadastru, vol 3, tome 1, pp. 3-15

Besutiu, L., and Besutiu, G., 1994. On the achievement of composite geomagnetic maps. The national magnetic map of Romania , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 38, pp.85-91

Besutiu, L., Rosca, VL., Nicolescu, A., Svoronos, D., and Petrisor, I., 1993. Magnetics within areas covered by shallow waters. Lakes Golovita and Zmeica, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 37, pp. 89-93

Besutiu, L., Rosca, Vl., Maran, C. , 1993. Prospectiuni magnetometrice în arii acoperite de ape de mica adancime. Lacul Babadag , Roumanian Journal of Geophysics, vol. 16, pp. 9-14

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., Svoronos, D., and Vihristencu, M., 1993. Geological setting within Dunavatu-Dranov area according to the geophysical and biogeophysical data , Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 37, pp. 95-103

Besutiu, L., Nicolescu, A., and Svoronos, D. , 1993. Integrated magnetics and biogeophysical research in geological investigation, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 34, pp. 97-102

Besutiu, L., and Besutiu, G., 1988. Reflectarea variatiei seculare a câmpului geomagnetic în harta componentei verticale a câmpului geomagnetic pe teritoriul român, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, seria D, vol. 15, pp. 35-48

Besutiu, L., and Besutiu, G., 1988. Asupra filtrarii câmpurilor potentiale cu ajutorul procedeului mediilor mobile si al continuarii în semispatiul superior , Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, seria d, vol. 15, pp.144-149

Besutiu, L. and Besutiu, G., 1987. The magnetic control network of Romania, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, seria D, vol. 25, pp. 28-33

Besutiu, L., 1986. Asupra estimarii calitatii prospectiunilor magnetometrice , Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, seria D, vol. 14, pp.27-34

Besutiu, L., 1986. Structura flancului nordic al masivului Sebes în lumina unor date geofizice recente, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, seria D, vol. 14, pp. 95-109

Airinei, St. , Stoenescu, Sc., Velcescu, G., Romanescu, D., Visarion, M., Radan, S., Roth, M., Besutiu, L., and Besutiu, G. , 1985. Distributia anomaliilor magnetice DZa pe teritoriul României, Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, vol. 23, pp.12-19

Besutiu, L., 1984. Câteva consideratii asupra interpretarii datelor obtinute cu ajutorul magnetometrelor protonice , Studii si cercetari geologice, geofizice si geografice, Geofizica, Seria D, vol. 22, pp. 63-68

Besutiu, L., 1984. The reflection of the basaltic layer of the Earth´s crust in the regional anomaly of the geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory , Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, vol. LXIV, pp. 361-368

Airinei, St., Stoenescu, Sc., Velcescu, G., Romanescu, D., Visarion, M., Radan, S., Roth, M., Besutiu, L., and Besutiu, G. , 1983. La carte de l´anomalie magnétique DZ pour le territoire de la Roumanie, Anuarul Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica, ser. Geofiz., Hidrogeol. si Geol. Ing., vol. LXIII, pp. 5-11

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