Vizitator nr. 1314896 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 1 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea

Numarul Rezumatelor gasite in baza de date: 113Id | Publicatie | 104 | Atanasiu, l., Visarion, m., Ioane, D. 1999. The Contact Zone between Paleozoic and Precambrian Platforms in Romania in the light of new gravity and magnetic data. International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England | 100 | Atanasiu, L., Zugrăvescu, D., and Mandea, M. 2003. Analysis of the regional magnetic field and its secular variation over the Romanian territory, IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte | 105 | Beşuţiu L., Neaga V., Atanasiu L., Zlăgnean L., and Ilieş I. 2007. Joining airborne geomagnetic maps of Romania and Republic of Moldova. Consistent geomagnetic models crossover the state borders. Geophzsical Research Abstract, vol 9, European Geoscience Union, Vienna, 2007 | 103 | Beşuţiu L., Orlyuk M., Demetrescu C., Pashkevich, I., Atanasiu L., Maksimchuk V., and Ylagnean L. – Preliminmary considerations on the DEEP project. Consistent geomagnetic images crossover the state borders between Romania and Ukraine, 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, IAGA 2005, Toulouse, France, July 18-29. | 106 | Beşuţiu L., Orlyuk M., Paskevich I., Neaga V., Atanasiu L., Maksymchuk V., Zlăgnean L., and Ilieş I. 2007. Near surface large scale geomagnetic mapping. Building up consistent geomagnetic model crossover the state borders. 3rd MagNetE WORKSHOP, On European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey 2005-2006, Bucharest 14-16 May 2007 | 114 | Beşuţiu, L., Zlăgnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Sgârciu, V., Mădălin, V., Stelea, I., Cucu, G., Soare, A., Ivan, M., Niculescu, B. 2008. „DYGEF project: towards a consistent model of the geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory integrated within continental and global framework“ GeObMag2008, Surlari 16-18 october, Bucuresti | 112 | Besutiu, L, Zlagnean, L., and Atanasiu L. 2008. New insight on the structure and dynamics of the intermediate depth, seismic zone located in the beanding zone area of the east Carpathian. INDEGEN project, 33rd International Geological Congress (IGG 2008), 06-14 august., Oslo, Norwey |
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