Vizitator nr. 1314892 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 1 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea

Numarul Rezumatelor gasite in baza de date: 113Id | Publicatie | 45 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2006. Flat subduction zone in Central Mexico: constraints from aeromagnetic anomalies. UGM ( ), Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, SE01-8, GEOS, Vol. 26, No.1., pp. 179. | 56 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2007. Adakitic-like volcanism in Southern Mexico and subduction of the Tehuantepec Ridge. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract T32A-07. | 50 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2007. On the origin of El chichon volcano and subduction of Tehuantepec Ridge: a Geodynamical Perspective. SOTA, Termas Puyehue, Chile. | 43 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., Gurnis, M., and Turner, M., 2006. Magnetic quiet zone and flat subduction in central Mexico. GSA Backbone of the Americas-Patagonia to Alaska, (3-7 April), Mendoza, Mendoza Province, Argentina. Session No. 9; T3. Shallowing and Steepening Subduction Zones II. Paper no. 9-9. | 84 | Manea, M., G. Norini, L. Capra, and Manea, V.C., 2009. The Colima Volcano WebGIS: system acquisition, application and database development in an open-source environment. EGU2009-3846 | 63 | Manea, M., Manea, V.C., 2007.Mantle wedge serpentinization in Southern Mexico: the effect of Chortis Block movement. GC2007-11P, Geochortis, Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico. | 74 | Manea, M., Manea, V.C., 2008. Online Geodynamics: Understanding how the Earth works through an interactive web-based application. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. EGU2008-A-02943. |
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