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Cyberinfrastructure for Geodynamic Studies Related to the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone
Number of Abstracts found in the database: 113Id | Publication | 94 | Atanasiu, L. 1999. Flexure of the lithosphere beneath East Carpathian Belt, International Union of Geodezy and geophysics (IUGG 99), 18-30 Julay, Birmingham, England | 98 | Atanasiu, L. 2000. Magnetic - gravity study of regional magnetic anomaly developed north of Bistrita river, International Geophysical Conference & Technical, 10-14 aprilie 2000, Bucureşti | 101 | Atanasiu, L. 2003. Geodynamic analysis of the Romanian territory by a set of geotematic maps,
IUGG 2003 – Sapporo, iulie 2003, vol. abstracte
| 110 | Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria | 111 | Atanasiu, L., and Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity models of the Vrancea active seismic zone, 33rd International Geological Congress (IGG 2008), 06-14 august., Oslo, Norwey | 107 | Atanasiu, L., Beşuţiu, L., Cucu, G., and Soare, A. 2007. Geomagnetic reference field models on the Romanian territory and their space-time dynamics as inferred from ground and satellite data., XXIV International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG 2007), 01-13 July, Perugia, Italy. | 109 | Atanasiu, L., Besutiu, L. 2008. Gravity-based models of the northern Moesian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2008, 13-18 april Vienna, Austria |
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