Vizitator nr. 1314892 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 1 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea

Numarul Rezumatelor gasite in baza de date: 113Id | Publicatie | 55 | Manea, M., 2007. Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies over the Mexican Subduction System as constraint for Geodynamic Models. Seminar Centro de Geociencias, UNAM. | 75 | Manea, M., 2008. New Tools in understanding geoscience research: WEB-based applications, AGU, Eos Trans. AGU,89(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., abstract ED31B-02. | 79 | Manea, M., 2009. The role of Tehuantepec ridge subduction on mantle hydration and young volcanism in Southern Mexico. 11th International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, Braunwald, Switzerland | 36 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2005. Low temperature and high amplitude magnetic anomaly beneath Chiapas: evidence for a highly serpentinized mantle wedge, IVth National Meeting for Earth Sciences, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico; | 34 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2005. Serpentinized cold mantle wedge beneath southern Mexico: new insights from thermal models and magnetic anomalies. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Earth's Mantle Composition, Structure, and Phase Transitions, Saint Malo, France. | 31 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2005. Thermal structure of the Cocos slab beneath southern Mexico and its relationship with the arc volcanism. AGU Chapman Conference on The Great Plume Debate: The Origin and Impact of LIPs and Hotspots, Fort William, Scotland. | 48 | Manea, M., and Manea, V.C., 2006. Flat slab seen from above: aeromagnetic data in Central Mexico. Eos Trans. AGU 87(52), Fall Meet, Suppl., Abstract T11B-0437. |
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