76NOUTĂȚI din 2014-02-25 04:23:29Project Endedby marina |
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Vizitator nr. 1314890 din 14/10/2010 Vizitatori @nline: 1 Membrii @nline: 0 Ultima actualizare:
Infrastructură Cibernetică pentru Studii Geodinamice Relaționate cu Zona Seismogenică Vrancea
Dr. Venera DobricaDownload PDF_RODownload PDF_EN | PROIECTE
1. DFG Project, WI 687/15-1, Geothermal researches in the foreland of Eastern Carpathians, 2001-2005, research staff
2. Project CERES 3-26/2003, The attenuation of the seismic waves in Vrancea and adjacent areas, 2003-2005, research staff
3. Project MENER, Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and of the reference (normal) field in Romania, 2001-2004, research staff
4. Grant of the Romanian Academy, Space-time evolution of the main geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory in the context of the evolution at European scale, 2005-2006, research staff
5. Project PNII, Heliospheric variabilities and their impact on some components of the terrestrial system (HELIOTER), 2007-2010, research staff
6. Project IDEI, Long-term variability of the geomagnetic field in relation with physical processes in the heliosphere, 2007-2010, research staff